Louise is 34 and lives with her husband and their four year old son. After finishing her education as a Social and Health Care Assistant Louise unfortunately landed in working life characterized by insecurity, anxiety and depression. It was a tough battle and where she felt she did not quite fit in anywhere.
This has resulted in 26 positions over a period of 15 years. With every new job Louise lost a bit of her spark, enthusiasm to try out new places and make new acquaintances. To add insult to injury, Louise also faced workplace bullying from colleagues and management. She was put in her place whenever she had an opinion, shouted at, silenced and worst of all; ignored.
It all culminates with a trip to the Psychiatric Emergency Ward on one of her night shifts, as she suffers a violent anxiety attack and nervous breakdown. Louise is then taken ill and is off work.
Louise was nominated by her sister Sandra. Despite everything she struggles with, Louise has been a huge support to Sandra after a divorce, where she has cared for her children, taken them on walks in the woods, cleaned her old house, lent her husband for practical tasks and always listened.
Louise is at the moment homemaker and spends most of her time with her 4 year old son. She is waiting to attend a course as a dog groomer next year.
It is my hope that the photographs can help boost her confidence on her path towards new adventures.
A huge thank you to makeup artist Iris Maggy Jokulsdottir who has donated her time and expertise to the project. Follow Iris on her Instagram here: @iris_maggy