Elise Bjerkrheim was nominated by her friend Tine Sax who wrote: “I have a friend who’s life is in many ways pretty tough at the moment. She works for the Danish Childrens Aid organization Red Barnet, and before that , The Red Cross, is a single mother where her child’s father lives in Côte d'Ivoire. She is great at being there for others, and very much needs to do something nice for herself.”
On meeting Elise she told me of her driving force in life: To make a difference and help those in need! She also told med of how her life has given her some bruises and her will rise again. Thus the photographs had to be about getting back on that horse again, taking her power back and setting new goals!! I think they certainly show Elise taking her power back. I called her boss lady during the shoot which made her smile as it was exactly that she was called when she lived and worked in Afrika.